Here we go again. Elise and I have a date to either walk around Noosa National Park or run up & down Sunshine Beach Stairs.
Firstly I have to make sure Jimmy has had his nappy changed with spares in the car and also spare shorts. Jimmy gets excited whenever we go for drive anywhere, and I’m sure he knows this routine, because soon as we arrive at the car park I say “just waiting for Elise” he replies ‘yeah’. As soon as Elise arrives we start our mission. Straight on my back he goes. Jimmy is so used to this now, he holds on to me really well, licks my back and giggles.Jimmy weighs about 25kg and when I first started doing this it was such hard work but now it seems so easy. I forget that I’m getting stronger by the day. This will all help for when we go on our big adventures.
First Goal; get him up Mt Coolum!!
Many times while piggybacking Jimmy he has wet his pants and either Elise or myself has had to carry him with a wet nappy; but when you’re all sweaty it doesn’t really make much difference. Jimmy doesn’t seem to care either. Probably the worst experience was one time Elise and another friend Matt (donnelly) walked around Noosa National Park. It was the first time I walked about 6kms with him on my back & he had actually done a Bowel Movement… it was terrible. I had to make sure no one could see it and walk the whole way with this gross smell hiding it from coming out of his nappy. Its Jimmy though and I love him, even when this happens. You just have to laugh because he giggles while saying “yucky”.
The Stairs at Sunshine Beach would have be his favourite spot because at the top there is a tiny area I sit Jimmy in. Its like it was made for his butt, it’s perfect. We do our little runs up and down and Jimmy just sits there waiting patiently. It honestly feels like he knows he’s up there and it’s his little Zen area.
It’s the most amazing feeling when I look at him just so chilled sitting & waiting for us to finish our runs. Once we’re ready to go he gets back on my back, we head back down to the beach and back up the other stairs. Sometimes I push myself to run with him on my back. It doesn’t take long before I’m out of breath. Jimmy giggles or grumbles depending on how long we’ve been out for.
Home time and sleeps all the way in the car I’m not sure why. Jimmy really didn’t do any work but I guess holding on takes it out of him. Another day piggybacking, done & dusted!